
“I matter.”

Youth feeling connected to their communities is a strong protective factor.

When RPA and the Resiliency Collective conducted the 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, middle and high school youth were reporting low percentages* of feeling like they mattered to people in their community. Because of this, the Resiliency Collective began the “I Matter” campaign, and decided to make a feeling of community belonging among youth our focus.

For more information and to schedule a training, contact Sarah Kate Brownmiller at 540-982-1427 x2314 or sbrownmiller@brbh.org.

*Only 52.6% of middle school aged youth and 43% of high school aged youth reported that they agreed or strongly agreed that they felt like they mattered to people in their community (2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey.)


The Resiliency Collective formed in 2017 to best support the Roanoke Prevention Alliance’s efforts to reduce youth substance use. The Resiliency Collective’s shared agenda, commits to building upon the resilience of youth, families, and communities in the City of Roanoke. Resiliency Collective members educate the community about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and trauma and teach how building resilience helps people to bounce forward and overcome hardships. We provide education using a community-based toolkit:  Be a Resilience Champion and a professional toolkit:  The Path to Resilience. We offer both toolkits as Train the Trainer workshops for people to share the presentations with their professional and personal networks

For more information and to schedule a training, contact Sarah Kate Brownmiller at 540-982-1427 x2314 or sbrownmiller@brbh.org


How Can YOU Help Build Resilience in Your Community?

Everyone can be a Resilience Champion by recognizing that people may be suffering from unseen issues. We don’t need to know what the issues are. We just need to respond with understanding and kindness. Be kind and supportive of your neighbors, smile, and provide a connection or a hand up, if needed.
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