
Start the talk about alcohol.

Peer pressure and social media can have a lot of influence on teens, but parents can have even more.

According to research, parents that talk to their teens about alcohol are much less likely to drink before age 21 than those who don’t.

Let's start talking.

Use these tips from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to help you get started:

Find out what your child already knows

Talk with your child and see what their knowledge of alcohol looks like. That way, you know where to start and what their ideas about alcohol may be.

Teach your child the facts

Remind your child that alcohol is a powerful drug that slows the body and brain down and alcohol is illegal for anyone under the age of 21.

Give your child clear rules

Good rules make it clear to your youth that it is not acceptable for them to drink alcohol when they are under the age of 21. And let them know the consequences if they do drink.

Be prepared to answer your child's questions

Be honest because this topic can bring about serious questions, so know the facts about alcohol use and the effects when talking to your child.

Talk with your child about how to say ``no``

Make sure your child knows you can be the excuse. Remind them they can say “My mom will know if I do this, she has a 6th sense about these things and she would call your mom if she finds out, so no thanks, I don’t want any of us getting into trouble!”

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